Osteopatia - Żadnej Fizjologii !

Osteopatia - Żadnej Fizjologii !


Jaka historia kryje się za tym cytatem A.T. Still i czy odzwierciedla dzisiejszą sytuację?

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Osteopathy - No Physiology !

Osteopathy - No Physiology !


What is the story behind this quote of A.T. Still and does it reflect today's situation?

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Dissection Heidelberg, March 2022

Dissection Heidelberg, March 2022


Due to corona measures, the planned seminar will be postponed from August 2021 to early March 2022. As soon as there is more certainty about the logistical feasibility, we will announce the exact date on our website.Anyone who has already secured a place for August 2021, it will be kept (a new registration is not necessary yet).

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Capillary Fluid Exchange

Capillary Fluid Exchange


“... The rule of the artery is absolute ...” Autobiography, page 182 “... The rule of the artery and vein is universal in all living beings, ...” Osteopathy and mechanical principles, page 55 “... remember the highest officer in command is the artery of nourishment, which must be assisted by the nerve of motion and the vein of renovation. ...” Autobiography, page 190-192 In this book you can find a condensed but nevertheless very acurate description of the physiological processes of tissue vascularisation. The different control mechanisms of these processes are also described in detail. With exten- sive list of literature. Discover the possible impact of a mechanicle handling on the metabolic aspect of human functioning.

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The rule of the artery... Shenanigan popular in the modern short sightedness syndrome, usually instigated by shenanigators...

The rule of the artery... Shenanigan popular in the modern short sightedness syndrome, usually instigated by shenanigators...


Some of the followers of late J.M. Littlejohn’s interpretation of osteopathy, tend to promote this amputated and completely decontextualized quote from A.T. Still, and some repeat it religiously like a Mantra, so repetitively, it has become a reality to them, a good shenanigan if it would not be that simplistically… sad.

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Inflammation – Infection – Immunity knowing the landmarks, setting the trenches!

Inflammation – Infection – Immunity knowing the landmarks, setting the trenches!


Statistically, the corona situation was due to happen. Let there be no doubt about that! Too long ago the 1918 pandemic had passed and in the beginning of this new century there were some clear warnings (for instance SARS 2002 and MERS 2012).

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Jean-Paul Höppner

Lumbar pain and the 10 pelvic vertebra


Anatomy is one of the oldest sciences that describes the human form. These descriptions are based on observations of as well as insights in the human form of those days. Over the centuries many anatomical books were written. Often as a copy of previous editions. Over the centuries a certain way of looking was passed from one generation to the next. By copying books we also copied our way of looking at form and function. Question: can a change of looking turn into the capability of seeing different forms and functions which are now still hidden behind the old Nomina Anatomica?

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Jean-Paul Höppner

Nerwy i ich wiertarki (Nerves and their drilling machine) - Polish translation


Dogłębne zrozumienie formy anatomicznej prowadzi do spojrzenia, które ma znaczenie praktyczne. Głębsze zrozumienie wymaga pewnego sposobu postrzegania. Sposobu spojrzenia, który reprezentuje stan umysłu. Ten stan umysłu jest często uprzedzony przez retorykę, której używamy w celu opisania tego, na co patrzymy. Będąc tego nieświadomym, wspomniana retoryka często pozostaje nie bez konsekwencji dla naszej codziennej praktyki!

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Jean-Paul Höppner

Nerves and their drilling machine


A deeper understanding of the anatomical form leads to an insight that has practical significance. This deeper understanding requires a way of looking. A way of looking that leads to seeing which turns illustrations of structures into living pictures of anatomy. The way of looking represents a state of mind. This state of mind is often biased by the rhetoric we use in order to describe what we are looking at. Being unaware of it, this rhetoric is often not without consequences for our daily practice!

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Czy istnieje coś takiego, jak standardowy protokół dla osteopatów?

Czy istnieje coś takiego, jak standardowy protokół dla osteopatów? (Is there such thing as a standard protocol for osteapaths) - Polish translation


Bez wątpienia żyjemy w społeczeństwie zdominowanym przez technologię. W celu poprawy nie tylko wydajności techniki, ale także jej zastosowania, opracowano wiele protokołów. Co więcej, możemy zauważyć, że wiele z tych protokołów służy dziś głównie samej technice, a nie jej celowi. Termin medyczny „protokolitis” jest tutaj na miejscu. Ale nie ma wątpliwości co do tego, że w naszym osteopatycznym społeczeństwie pacjentka „osteopatia” również choruje we własnym łóżku! Rodzi to pytanie, czy nadal można znaleźć protokół zgodny z filozofią osteopatyczną. Dokładne studiowanie pism A.T. Still’a prowadzi do wyciągnięcia wniosku: chociaż nie jest to łatwe, tak, jest to możliwe. Ale tylko pod warunkiem, że potrafimy odnaleźć podstawy jego filozofii i przywrócić im ich wartość. - Jean-Paul Höppner DO mro

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Is there such thing as a standard protocol for osteopaths?

Is there such thing as a standard protocol for osteopaths?


Unmistakably we are living in a technical dominated society. In the attempt to improve not only the efficiency of a technique but also its application, numerous protocols are developed. Moreover, we can observe that many of these protocols today mainly serve the technique itself and not so much its purpose. The medical term “protocolitis” is here in order. But let there be no doubt about it, in our osteopathic society the patient “osteopathy” is sick in its own bed as well! This raises the question whether it is still possible to find a protocol that does right to the osteopathic philosophy. Studying thoroughly the writings of A.T. Still leads to a conclusion: although not easy, yes it is possible. But only under the condition that we can find the essentials to his philosophy and restore them in their value.

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jean-paul & max

EVOST in space and time… Or how it came to be…


Several people, professionals as well as students, asked us how did you come up with the whole EVOST concept in osteopathy? Well our answer is: 1 plus 1 makes 3. In many ways, EVOST emerges from the combination of a number of ingredients and circumstances. - Max Girardin & Jean-Paul Höppner

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System and environment, a curse for science... and I don't even start on hierarchy and chronology


This little babble of mine was triggered by reading this article on my forlorn mountain while listening to the sounds of despair, memory, love and hope of Amalia Rodrigues with her beautiful voice singing her lamenting Portuguese Fado and by this its very specific mood lingering around while reading … Max Girardin

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Malaria Osteopathically – another Evost babble


The trigger for this babble was the X °th time having someone asking me before taking a journey to the tropics, “please how do you personally deal with malaria prevention on your Africa travels since all these years?” And of course Jeroen Schippers challenging me about Plasmodium and hippo’s…a long story, that does not really matter right now… Max Girardin

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Mucus membrane stories

Mucus membrane stories


I already did the start / advent or appearance story of this one in several other articles, and want to take it further on from there... The readers that are following my babbles and writings, since the beginning, realize, I sincerely hope at least realize ... that all the articles are actually one and should not be looked upon individually: The FORM is one, it is a whole, with many dimensions, and with its hierarchy and chronology as a whole, as also in the lower dimensions... And my babbles highlight just an aspect in Hierarchy or Chronology or dimension of the whole, using the mind zooming tool... Usually a song, a word or expression or question or statement triggers me and of we go. (and these articles are triggers to think or deepen your knowledge not a full course on a subject) The principles at work are the same and only demonstrates emergences as the whole complexifies....but in the end it is and stays whole from the first cell too the whole complex organism with zillion of cell's, tissues and organs... - Max Girardin

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After all these years, after all these changes in our society – cultural, economical, pedagogical, … - we can ask ourselves what is the basic premises to be an osteopath. Many claim to have the answer – some even claim to know the answer. Would it not be much more logical to ask Dr. A.T. Still himself and see what he has to say on the subject? After all, he is the founder of Osteopathy – isn’t he? (This article was originally published in 2008 in the Netherlands as well as in Germany; small changes to the text appear in this new English edition – thanks to J. Haxton by his FaceBook-support)

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Life as a verb

Life as a verb

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Life as a verb