two friends, one passion
two companions, one goal
osteopathy related in-service training or symposia
overview of course offeringsOsteopatia - Żadnej Fizjologii !
Jaka historia kryje się za tym cytatem A.T. Still i czy odzwierciedla dzisiejszą sytuację?
Osteopathy - No Physiology !
What is the story behind this quote of A.T. Still and does it reflect today's situation?
Dissection Heidelberg, March 2022
Due to corona measures, the planned seminar will be postponed from August 2021 to early March 2022. As soon as there is more certainty about the logistical feasibility, we will announce the exact date on our website.Anyone who has already secured a place for August 2021, it will be kept (a new registration is not necessary yet).